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Dr. Agarwal receives grant from Institute for Materials Research


Dr. Gunjan Agarwal, BME Associate Professor, has been awarded a grant from the Institute for Materials Research for $60K for the first year, with renewal a possibility.  In July, she received a 3-year $300,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for her research.


The grant is entitled Ultra-structural and Ultrasensitive Characterization of Iron-overload, and Dr. Agarwal’s co-PIs are Dana McTigue, Neuroscience, and David McComb, MSE. 



This proposal aims to develop novel high-resolution microscopy techniques for clinical pathology, in particular for iron detection. Ferritin is the major constituent of iron deposits found in iron overload. Current tests for ferritin content rely on antibody-based assays which measure ferritin concentration irrespective of iron ligation. Biochemical assays used to measure iron have limited sensitivity and spatial resolution. The ability to distinguish ferritin from apoferritin (non-iron-bound ferritin) at single particle level in small aliquots of samples may help improve diagnostics and treatment of imbalanced iron homeostasis. We plan to develop a novel indirect magnetic force microscopy technique to detect the iron-bound, superparamagnetic protein, ferritin in biological tissue from rodent models with very high sensitivity and spatial resolution. In addition we will bring forth the liquid STEM capability to OSU to detect ferritin in biological fluids.


Congratulations to Dr. Agarwal for her latest award that will support her research!