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BMES brings inaugural BioHack event to OSU


On Saturday November 16th, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) worked with OHI/O and the Innovation Studio to bring an 8-hour, BME-focused hackathon where engineers, designers, makers and developers can get together to build creative solutions to actual problems.

The projects were sourced from OSU professors and gave students interdisciplinary experience and project skills. A total of 46 students worked in 11 teams to tackle problems such as a telemonitoring program for people in rural areas, a glove that detects pressure for stroke patients with nerve damage, and a device that helps those with rotator cuff injuries regain strength in those muscles. All teams were presented with their project one week prior to the event. In that week, teams met with professors, 3D printed parts at the innovation studio, and came up with a plan for how to tackle their project. On Saturday these teams worked for 8 hours on their projects then were judged by a team of OSU professors, graduate students and representatives from OHI/O and The Innovation Studio.
